• FFU Air Purifier

FFU Air Purifier

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FFU Air Purifier
The full name of FFU in English is (Fan Filter Unit). The FFU fan filter unit can be installed on other air circulation machines freely and modularly. Therefore, FFU is widely used in clean rooms and clean work such as factories and hospitals that require high air cleanliness. Tables, clean production lines, assembled clean rooms, operating rooms, etc.
The FFU has three parts: filter screen (primary and high-efficiency components), fan and cabinet. The high-precision instruments such as Apple mobile phones, SLR optical lenses, display screen panels, computer chips, and some biological science experiments that we use must be produced in a highly clean environment, otherwise the quality and effect will be seriously affected. Compared with the ordinary air environment, Almost meet very demanding requirements
What is FFU air purifier?
FFU air purifier refers to the application of industrial FFU working principles and devices from the industrial field to the civilian air purification field. The FFU air purifier mainly includes: body shell; primary filter, activated carbon filter cotton and high-efficiency filter; this air purification The FFU device commonly used in the industrial field uses FFU of different materials and a reasonable fan to increase the amount of dust, and adds the corresponding activated carbon filter cotton to achieve the effect of three-stage filtration.

Advantages of FFU air purifier
FFU is an air purifier based on HEPA technology, but has the outstanding feature of industrial products. It is to convert industrial FFU purification device into civilian purification device. Therefore, compared with traditional HEPA air purifier (including major first-line brands), it mainly has the following advantage:
One is the use of the latest and greatest HEPA filter production technology. High efficiency air filter [HEPA (High efficiency particulate air Filter)], with an effective rate of 99.998% for 0.1 micron and 0.3 micron, it is the most effective filter medium for pollutants such as smoke, dust and bacteria (the diameter of smoke particles produced by smoking is 0.5 micron), and HEPA can effectively filter fine particles above 0.5 micron. Therefore, it is widely used in dust-free purification workshops in industries such as optical electronics, LCD liquid crystal manufacturing, biomedicine, precision instruments, beverages and food, and PCB printing. Since the reform and opening up, China’s electronics industry has developed rapidly, especially the Pearl River Delta region’s electronics industry has become a global manufacturing base, which also provides a rare opportunity for the development of the HEPA industry. This technology originated in the United States around the 1960s has been widely used in the Pearl River Delta region. After continuous improvement, demand drives R&D and production. The current level and quality of filter paper have reached or surpassed developed countries. Therefore, the FFU air purifier uses the most cutting-edge and highest quality HEPA filter in the industry. In addition, some people are especially concerned about the level of the filter, thinking that the higher the filter, the better. In fact, the higher the filter, the stronger the airtightness and the worse the air penetration. Although the filtered air is good, the unit The clean air provided within the time is less, and the air improvement effect of the whole room is not good. We recommend that the filter screen above H12 is fine, and it is recommended not to use the filter screen above H14, especially the filter screen above U15. .
The second is that the CARD value can reach more than 1200 cubic meters/H, far exceeding the traditional and international first-line air purifiers. In 2015, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China and the National Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China announced the new national air purifier standard "Air Purifier (GB/T18801-2015)". The new standard clarifies the basic technical indicators of air purifiers ( Core parameters) are "clean air volume" (referred to as CADR value) and "cumulative purification volume" (referred to as CCM value), that is, the "purification ability" and "continuity of purification ability" of the air purifier product.
CADR value is the core indicator of air purifiers. The so-called CADR value refers to the amount of clean air (CADR), expressed in terms of the volume of air that can be purified per unit time, in cubic meters per hour (m³/h), and the actual measured CARD value is not lower than the product marked 90%. Simply put, CARD is the clean air output per unit time. Let’s take a 90-square-meter house as an example. If we don’t consider window ventilation and other issues, the air volume of the house is about 300 cubic meters. If a common purifier (card value of about 400 cubic meters) is used, the air can be purified once an hour. Considering the continuous inflow of outdoor air, the air purification effect is even worse. According to international standards, the purification capacity represented by the CARD value should purify indoor air 3-5 times within an hour to meet the purification requirements (then, the calculation method for the CARD value of the air purifier you need in your home is = house area [square M] *3 (assuming the height of the room is 3 meters) *5 [number of air updates]). The large-scale HEPA network based on the FFU principle can drive more than 1600 cubic meters/H of ventilation, and the CARD value can reach about 1200-1500 cubic meters/H, which immediately increases the ventilation efficiency by 4 times. In theory, it can be used in a 90 square meter house. Purify the air 3-5 times within an hour, which is why users who use FFU air purification can achieve optimal indoor air testing in half an hour. Simply put, the filter paper of the traditional purifier is too small, too thin, and does not have the ability of large air volume. New technologies and solutions must be adopted to solve the very serious smog problem in China. Based on the principle of FFU and the transformation based on this structure The air purifier that can effectively solve the problem of indoor air in haze weather.
The physical principles of the CCM value of each type of air purifier are not much different. Cumulative clean mass (CCM) refers to the total mass of the target pollutants processed by the cumulative purification process when the clean air volume of the purifier decays to 50% of the initial value, in milligrams (mg), the FFU air purifier HEPA filter Due to the large size of the net, the service life of the filter with the same HEPA technology must be relatively long. Generally speaking, some first-line brands of HEPA technology air purifiers have a particulate pollution CCM value of less than or equal to 12000M, while FFU air purifiers have a higher CCM value, which is expected to reach a level of 20,000 to 30,000 M. In fact, for consumers who buy HEPA technology air purifiers, it is meaningless to tell a lot of CCM data. Consumers need to understand how often the HEPA network needs to be replaced, which is the ultimate goal of CCM. Although the HEPA filter based on the FFU principle is larger, we recommend that the filter be replaced every six months in northern China, and the filter should be replaced every one year in the south of the Yangtze River.
Conclusion: In terms of CARD value, FFU air filter has obvious advantages compared with traditional HEPA technology air purifiers, and has a relatively advantage in CCM value, but the advantages are not very obvious. Frankly speaking, for all HEPA technology air purifiers, the technology and principle are not too different. Considering the severity of the haze, the CARD value is the kingly way.
The third is to improve the installation of low-scoring fans. Since FFU is a filter device used in industry, the fan decibels are relatively high. For example, the FFU air purifiers shipped in 2015 are all around 50 decibels. Although they are higher than the national standard of 70 decibels, they still bring extreme problems to users. A good user experience is that there is no other machine in the face of haze weather, so most customers will use it or use remote control to avoid the coexistence of man and machine. However, since the beginning of this year, the FFU air purifier industry has been very competitive. The far-sighted manufacturers strive to change the performance of the purifier in an all-round way. After improving the process, the machines produced by most manufacturers in Shenzhen and Dongguan are now equipped with very low-decibel fans. The noise of the purifier is controlled below 30 decibels, reaching the international advanced level (the noise decibels of relevant international high-end brands are between 35-57 decibels). The fan is also a key component of the purifier, but because the fan is a very mature product, it is usually produced by a regular manufacturer and will not be easily broken. For example, the fan is rarely broken.
Fourth, the price-performance ratio is particularly high. At present, the price of international first-line brands is above 5,000 yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan, but the CARD value is far less than that of FFU air purifiers. Most CARD values ​​are about 400 cubic meters/h, while FFU air purifiers have CARD values ​​exceeding 1200 cubic meters/h. It can even reach 1500 cubic meters/h, and the price of FFU air purifier is generally around 1500 yuan, and the purification effect is very good. Therefore, it can be said that FFU air purifier is a very cost-effective air purifier.

Disadvantages of FFU air purifier.
First of all, the first disadvantage of FFU air purifiers is that they are large compared to traditional purifiers. This cannot be overcome in the short term, because the filter technology is difficult to break through at this stage. Only large-volume and large-area filters can be used. Can meet the purification needs, unless a newer filter material comes out, so the appearance has industrial elements, but it is strong and durable. At present, some manufacturers use ABS plastic shell to increase the aesthetic effect, but the durability is not as good as the aluminum-zinc machine.
Secondly, FFU air purifiers are mostly produced by small and medium-sized enterprises. The development of the industry is uneven. Many brands do not have production bases. Many brands cannot keep up with after-sales service. There is still a long way to go before consumers' requirements. (It is worth noting that: the air purifier itself is very simple. It is very simple to remotely guide maintenance and replace the filter by yourself. At the same time, the main component fan generally has a relatively low failure rate. If the manufacturer provides a fan return service, it can generally be solved. Some brand manufacturers have established Has its own after-sales team.
How to choose FFU air purifier

One is to see if the manufacturer produces it by itself. At present, FFU air purifiers are mainly sold by small and medium-sized enterprises and intermediary traders. The good and the bad are mixed by various businesses. Therefore, consumers should buy the products produced by the factory to ensure the quality. The first is to ask the manufacturer if it produces it by itself. You can visit the factory on the spot or ask the marketer to watch the factory situation through WeChat real-time video. The second is to choose branded products. FFU air purifiers have been developed for less than 3 years, and well-known brands have not been cultivated. At present, most of Tmall Taobao does not have a brand, and some brands have been around for 2 years, and a little longer is about 3 years. , But several powerful manufacturers have been engaged in purification equipment for more than ten years, and have accumulated a wealth of filter production technology. Look at the brand mainly through the National Trademark Office website to inquire about the trademark situation, through Taobao or Tmall to determine the time of brand operation, you can also consult your friends to ask which manufacturers are better. The third is to look at the strength of manufacturers. Depending on the manufacturer’s production scale, operating time, and whether it has patented technology, etc., if it is produced by the manufacturer and not sold by an intermediary, the after-sales service will be better, and various DIY services can be provided.
The second is to look at the quality of the filter paper. The filter paper material is very critical to HEPA, but the filter paper itself cannot be a filter. The filter paper must be processed to become a filter. Therefore, good manufacturers produce the core component of the filter by themselves in order to control the filter. The volume, materials and structure ensure the CARD value. There are several main choices for the filter: one is to choose the filter produced by the manufacturer; the other is to choose the most environmentally friendly and advanced PP+PET material. (Currently HEPA filters mainly include glass fiber materials and PP materials. In fact, these materials are very good, but glass fibers are mainly used in industrial fields. PP materials are safer and healthier for the human body. In fact, glass fiber materials are also a kind of Very good filter material. As the latest material of PP material, PP+PET is the latest generation of PP composite material and also the most expensive material). Third, it is best not to smell the filter. Generally, the HEPA filter of FFU type will have some smell, which will cause doubts and troubles to consumers. However, in recent years, some manufacturers have improved the filter and provided a tasteless and environmentally friendly filter. And filter
The third is to look at the CARD value. The CARD value is a key indicator for purchasing a purifier, which must be paid attention and attention. Generally, the CARD value should be more than 1200 cubic meters. But if you are going to buy an FFU type air purifier, in fact, the CARD values ​​of the machines provided by major manufacturers should be similar, so the key is to return to the second question, what is the quality of the filters and filters of each manufacturer.
The fourth is to look at the noise decibels. Noise decibels is an unsolvable contradiction in the first generation of FFU air purifiers. Because greater air output and purification capabilities are required, fans must work at higher decibels, which is a contradiction. In the past year, the fan technology has been greatly improved. The fan can reach below 30 decibels without reducing the air output and purification capacity, and the noise level of the purifier has reached the international leading level.
The fifth is brand and reputation. It depends on whether there is a brand and related patented technology. A company that focuses on innovation must be a company that focuses on branding and R&D. Only such a company can give full play to the spirit of craftsmanship, strive for excellence, and manufacture professional and sophisticated machines.
Sixth, look at the price. FFU air purifier standard equipment is currently on the market with a relatively reasonable price of about 1400-1700 yuan. Due to the different configurations of each machine, it may fluctuate in this range, but the price is affected by many factors, including brand, quality and service. Factors, so this price is only a given value, the specific configuration of the machine must be studied. If the price is more than 2,000 yuan, the price/performance ratio is not high. In fact, the machines produced by several major manufacturers are not much different, but there is a big difference in service, after-sales and filter.
Seventh, look at the after-sales service. It is also the most important point. After all, you can’t see the real thing when shopping online, so after-sales must be guaranteed. Find a seller with a nationwide warranty. In addition, if the online store sells only two or three products, it is best not to look for it. , Maybe you will not find this one if you sell FFU this year. The real FFU manufacturers produce more than just FFU. For example, some air shower rooms, transfer windows, and dust-free workbenches required by dust-free workshops will have supporting production. Everyone must be clear.

Knowledge extension
Comparison of air purifier types in the current market. According to market analysis, the purifiers currently on the market are roughly divided into six types:
1. Photocatalyst purifier. This type of purifier uses photocatalyst technology to convert light energy into chemical energy under the irradiation of light by nanomaterials to promote the synthesis of organic matter or degrade organic matter. The advantage is: it has the functions of dust removal and sterilization, and it is a widely used technology. The disadvantages are: it must be activated by ultraviolet light of a specific wavelength, the product life is very short, the effect is not obvious, ultraviolet light is harmful to people, and it is not suitable for humans and machines to coexist during purification.
2. Anion purifier. The main principle of negative ion technology is to use static electricity to release negative ions and absorb dust in the concentrated air to reduce dust. At the same time, negative ions also ionize oxygen in the air into ozone, which has a certain killing effect on bacteria. The advantage is: negative ions combine with soot and dust particles in the air to produce static-charged soot and dust particles, which are attracted by the ground and then settle and play a role in purification. The disadvantage is that the dust removal efficiency is not good, and harmful gases such as formaldehyde and benzene cannot be eliminated.
3. Activated carbon purifier. The activated carbon purifier has the function of dust removal and deodorization, and can also purify the air, but due to the problem of adsorption saturation, the effect is likely to be attenuated.
4. Ozone purifier. The ozone technology has a rapid reaction to the inactivation of bacteria, and the sterilization is very thorough, but the excessive ozone is seriously harmful to human health. It strongly stimulates the human respiratory tract and can cause dyspnea, dizziness, headache and other adverse reactions. Therefore, it is mostly used for industrial waste gas treatment. It cannot coexist with man and machine, and cannot absorb solid particles. Therefore, it cannot effectively reduce fine particles and cannot cope with smog.
5. HEPA air purifier. HEPA air purification technology is currently a relatively mature dust removal technology. The HEPA filter has a filtration efficiency of 99.9% for particles above 0.3 microns, which is a safe and reliable dust removal technology. Advantages: High efficiency filter (HEPA), effective for filtering small particles, dust, bacteria, viruses and other substances above 0.3 microns. However, the filter also has disadvantages: it is easily damaged, cannot be washed with water, and must be replaced regularly in order to be used continuously. Maintenance is expensive. It can only filter pollutant particles and odors flowing through the air. It is worth noting that the current international first-line purification brands all use HEPA technology, such as Austin and blueair all use this technology.
6. Electrostatic precipitator and other types. The popular point of electrostatic dust removal is that the electric field formed by high-voltage static electricity magnetically attracts dust in the air, reducing dust and purifying the air. However, it cannot directly kill viruses and bacteria, and decompose pollutants; if too much dust is not cleaned or the efficiency of the electrostatic vacuum cleaner decreases, it is easy to cause secondary pollution. Due to high-voltage discharge, safety protection devices are required, and it is generally not suitable for use in large public places or indoor places with high requirements for disinfection conditions. It is best not to use it for civilian use.

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