Selection of the filtering area of the dust filter tube

Selection of the filtering area of the dust filter tube
The filter area of the dust removal filter tube refers to the effective area of the filter material on the filter barrel after the filtration material is fully expanded.
We can calculate according to the formula: A = L × 2 × N × M. In the formula, A represents the filter area, unit M2; L represents the depth of the filter paper, the unit M; effective height.
For example: The effective height of the CWSY 3260 dust removal cylinder M = 0.6m, the depth depth L = 0.04m, and n = 150, then the filtering area of the filter tube is A = 0.04 × 2 × 150 × 0.6, calculated calculate The effective filtration area of the filter tube is 7.2m2.
Selection of the filtering area of the dust collector tube: For the environment with a higher concentration of the imported dust, it is recommended to choose a smaller filtering area of the dust filter tube, so that the ash clearing effect of the filter tube is better. Come and implement.
Precautions for using the filter tube in the dust collector: The wind speed of the general filter-type dust collector is 0.6-1.8m/min. Of course, the most ideal filtering wind speed should be 0.9m/min. The filtration wind speed here refers to Average speed. If the dust concentration is high, you can consider reducing the filtration wind speed, which can improve the filtering efficiency of the dust collector and reduce the work resistance, thereby improving the ventilation performance and making the service life of the filter tube longer.

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